School for International Science UW (SIS UW) to jednostka powstała przy Wydziale Neofilologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego organizująca otwartą ofertę kursów i szkoleń służących umiędzynarodowieniu wyników badań oraz oferty dydaktycznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego skierowanych do pracowników oraz doktorantów UW.
Celem SIS UW jest umożliwienie pracownikom i doktorantom UW podniesienia kompetencji w obszarach kluczowych dla ich rozwoju naukowego, takich jak przygotowanie publikacji w językach obcych, prezentowanie wyników badań i udział w debatach w międzynarodowym środowisku, prowadzenie zajęć w języku angielskim czy praca z narzędziami wykorzystywanymi w metodologii badań empirycznych.
Uczestnicy kursu English for Research Publications dowiedzą się
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Uczestnicy kursu English as a Medium of Instruction dowiedzą się:
Proofreading to usługa uzupełniająca ofertę School for International Science. Daje ona pracownikom możliwość skorzystania z redakcji i korekty językowej artykułów naukowych w językach obcych. Oferta dotyczy tekstów, które przeszły pozytywnie przez pierwszy etap procesu recenzji.
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Blok Research Methodology oferuje szeroki wachlarz kursów i konsultacji z zakresu metodologii badań oraz statystyki. W ramach projektu uczestnicy mogą wziąć udział w następujących szkoleniach:
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The main objective of International Science Initiatives (ISI) is to demonstrate the unique academic potential of the University of Warsaw and popularize the achievements of its researchers who, due to their expertise and extensive international collaboration, enjoy worldwide recognition in their respective fields. The events organized and coordinated by ISI aim to contribute to the promotion of the high-quality research in the areas recognized as essential by the academic community, such as e.g. multilingualism, foreign language teaching and learning, cultural diversity, social engagement and data literacy. In order to support and stimulate international collaboration, we also invite guests from foreign academic centres whose research is the source of inspiration for our academics and the subject of debate in their publications.
Multilingualism does not imply perfect language knowledge, but means using two or three languages for varied life purposes. Defined in this way, multilingualism is ubiquitous in contemporary societies. Many people develop multilingually as a result of international mobility or migration. Others acquire several languages through schooling. However, knowledge about multilingualism and the social awareness of the phenomenon are still limited. Thus, the School for International Science UW (SIS UW) invites the academic community to a series of six lectures presenting research on linguistic, cognitive, affective and educational aspects of multilingualism. In the series, international experts discuss the results of empirical research on individual multilingualism and explain the mechanisms that underlie the functioning of multilingual adults and children. The lectures on current trends in multilingualism research are organised within the UW Excellence Initiative (IDUB Action II 3.7 „Multilingualism” led by Agnieszka Otwinowska-Kasztelanic) in cooperation with the International Association of Multilingualism. Multilingualism at the individual, societal and cultural level is also one of the leading themes within Flagship 2 of the 4EU+ Alliance that the UW belongs to.
Wednesday 24th March 2021
3:00 p.m.
Prof. Raphael Berthele (University of Fribourg, Institute of Multilingualism)
Between monolingual bias and the celebration of diversity: Investigating individual
differences in multilingual acquisition
Wednesday 31st March 2021
3:00 p.m.
Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele (Department of Applied Linguistics & Communication, Birkbeck, University of London)
Communicating emotions in a foreign language: the ultimate linguistic challenge
Thursday 15th April 2021
3:00 p.m.
Prof. Jasone Cenoz (DREAM – Donostia Research group on Education and Multilingualism,
University of the Basque Country,
Focus on multilingualism and translanguaging in education
Wednesday 21st April 2021
3:00 p.m.
Prof. Julia Festman (University College for Teacher Education Tyrol)
Does it get any easier when we learn and process multiple languages?
Thursday 22nd April 2021
3:00 p.m.
Prof. Magdalena Wrembel (University of Warsaw)
Exploring the acquisition of L3 phonology: challenges, new insights and future perspectives
Thursday 29th April 2021
3:00 p.m.
Prof. Ewa Haman (University of Warsaw)
Multilingual children: developmental opportunities and challenges
University of Warsaw is livestreaming the lectures through its Facebook profile.
Wykład promujący ścieżkę „multilingualism” w ramach Flagship 2 4eu+ Alliance
School for International Science | Wydział Neofilologii | Uniwersytet Warszawski | mail: